Course Terms & Conditions
The following policy document has been compiled to state explicitly the terms and conditions of business for educational courses run by SFSW. This will save any possible future misunderstandings.
All education courses and seminars will be run from:
Station Road,
Derbyshire, DE45 1GA
Telephone 01629 815129
Mobile phone +447789637601
To guarantee a rapid reply, please use email or send an SMS to my mobile number.
Following payment of the non-refundable deposit to secure your place , course fees are to be paid for by standing order which is set up in advance of the modules starting.
The current fees for the course are available on application.
If for any reason a General Dental Practitioner is unable to attend one of the modules, course material will be provided after the event, and a credit note for will be issued 'one day tuition' for each of the full course days missed. This credit note will be applied to teaching days of the Straight Wire Reunion courses, to which successful delegates will be invited, at the end of the initial 2 year course.
Hotel charges for conference facilities, catering for two days, plus one overnight stay, will be charged directly to the delegate, at the agreed rate. These hotel fees are paid by the delegate directly to the Hotel prior to each Module, the Hotel will contact each delegate in advance for CC details. Hotel bills are the sole responsibility of the delegate. If a delegate is unable to attend a module it is their responsibility to cancel the booking with the Hotel. If the delegates require accommodation for any nights other than the Thursday of the module, they need to book this separately with the Hotel. Thursday nights will be booked automatically for each delegate for each module unless other instructions have been given.
Delegates are entirely responsible for letting the Hotel know of cancellations and for any costs incurred as a result of a late cancellation.
Supervision of Cases
On the first module, collection of high quality case records will be discussed in detail, as will the technique of intra-oral and extra-oral photography. It would be helpful, but not in any way essential, if examples of case records were collected in advance, to open the discussion on the types and quality of records required. Always ensure you have signed consent from the patients for their records to be used 'for educational purposes'.
Case records can be brought by the delegate to each of the course modules. It is essential to examine all the records in detail to assess whether the case is suitable for treatment, which is when a high quality outcome is likely. Throughout the course there is an emphasis on the highest possible quality of clinical records including patient photographs, radiographs and study models.
Diagnosis and treatment planning of other cases from practice is encouraged throughout the course. If this is done at times other than the regular SFSW Modules, it may generate extra costs. Details of these costs will be provided on application. Any cases submitted for diagnosis will be followed up with a case assessment, diagnosis and treatment plan.
Delegates are also encouraged to bring records of cases with them to each of the modules and diagnosis will be carried out as part of the Case Study sessions. If cases are to be presented, they must comprise full case records including high quality, trimmed orthodontic study models or a correctly articulated intra-oral scan, high quality photographs, panoramic radiographs and cephalometric radiographs with tracings and cephalometric assessment. It is impossible to provide a meaningful diagnosis in the absence of high quality patient records. Full instructions in record collection will be given at the first module.
E-mailing Records
Cases for diagnosis and treatment planning may be emailed to an encrypted email address. Your opinion on the diagnosis and treatment plan of the case is useful along with a tracing and analysis of the cephalometric radiograph. High quality photographs must also be emailed and if necessary photos of orthodontically trimmed study models. Anything which is unclear should be highlighted and a tracing and your interpretation of the radiographs is also useful. Patient data must be anonymised when send through the internet and should be sent to a secure email address.
Regular Case Assessments
Ideally intra-oral photographs should be taken of the selected patients at every visit. This allows discussion of the progress achieved at each stage and can allow instructions to be given about bracket positioning, specific tooth movements and mechanics to be used, to ensure satisfactory progress.
A measurement sheet must be used on every patient every visit to record OJ, OB, centre lines, canine and molar relationship as well as the size of all the extraction spaces. Only by meticulous documentation will progress in treatment be recognised or the reasons for lack of progress identified.
At 12 monthly intervals it is sometimes useful to take study models or an intra-oral scan that can be taken with the brackets in place. Blocking out the undercuts with relief wax will greatly aid insertion and removal of the impressions. A bite must be taken to allow the backs of the models to be trimmed orthodontically to register the occlusion. Regular review of the patients occlusion as well as the photographs, will allow an assessment of the success of the mechanics chosen, and is also useful to plan future treatment.
Time will be set aside at each module for assessment of progress of each of the cases started whilst on the course. There will be ample time to discuss problems encountered during treatment, proposed in-treatment changes and necessary alterations to the treatment plan.
The course is now entering its 27th year. It has become evident that those delegates who put the most effort into their homework cases, as well as their own diagnoses and treatment plans, are the ones who benefit most from the course. All delegates are given the opportunity to present as many of their own cases as possible and all will be expected to take their turn presenting their assessments of the homework cases distributed at the end of each module.
SFSW September 2024