Course Modules
Module 1
- Introduction of all participants and Course supervisors, description of teaching techniques
- Versatility of the Straight Wire technique
- An overview of Class 1 cases
- Documentation for orthodontic cases
- Record taking, patient examination and clinical photography*
- Orthodontic case assessment
- Radiography in orthodontics, basic cephalometric theory and practical*, clinical relevance of cephalometrics
- Diagnosis and treatment planning of Class 1 cases*
- Introduction to the typodont*
- Banding and bonding typodont
- Homework cases 1,2,3*
- *Denotes session involving practical element
Module 2
- Treatment planning in orthodontics
- Treatment of Class 1 problems
- Relief of crowding
- The Royal London Hospital Space analysis*
- Theory of bracket and band placement
- Orthodontic materials, brackets, cements, bands
- Archwire sequence in the Straight Wire technique
- Relevance of archform
- Placement of archwires in the typodont, initial alignment*
- Homework Cases 4,5, 6
- *Denotes session involving practical element
Module 3
- Choice of extractions
- Anchorage
- Headgear theory and Headgear practical*
- Supplementing anchorage including palatal and lingual arches
- Review of photographic technique
- Alignment, looped vs. sliding mechanics, use of push coil, monthly measurements
- Complete alignment - working archwires in the typodont*
- Homework Cases 7,8,9*
- *Denotes session involving practical element
Module 4
- Risk/benefit balance in orthodontics
- Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need
- Orthodontic research methodology - a critical appraisal
- Introduction to Twin Blocks, bite registration, trimming and reactivation
- Mode of action of functional appliances
- Modifications of the Twin Block
- Transition from Twin blocks to Fixed appliances
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Twin Blocks
- Leveling of Typodont*.
- Homework Cases 10,11,12.
- *Denotes session involving practical element
Module 5
- Diagnosis and treatment planning of Class 2 cases*
- Class II div 1
- Overjet reduction
- Overbite reduction
- Advantages and disadvantages of Twin blocks.
- Early treatment
- Herbst vs Twin Blocks
- Start space closure in the typodont*
- Homework Cases 13,14,15*
- *Denotes session involving practical element
Module 6
- Space closure in the straight wire technique, compares all the various methods available. Elastic ligatures, NiTi Coil, springs, power chain - advantages and disadvantages of each will be discussed
- Looped versus sliding mechanics
- Transverse problems in orthodontics
- Arch expansion and the correction of crossbite
- Q.H. and R.M.E.
- Correction of habits
- Use of removable appliances in modern orthodontics . . . and how these can be avoided
- Homework Cases 16, 17, 18
- *Denotes session involving practical element
Module 7
- Functional occlusion, canine-guidance vs. group function, anterior guidance, CO/CR relationship
- Case assessment for finishing*
- Use of intra-oral elastics
- Finishing procedures - detailing the occlusion,
- Space closure to be completed on typodont*
- Debanding and debonding,
- Retention regimes
- Homework Cases 19,10,21
- *Denotes session involving practical element
Module 8
- Class II div 2
- Long-term stability, bonded retainers, pericision,
- Interproximal stripping
- Extraction decisions in Class II div 2
- Aetiology of malocclusion
- Cephalometric superimposition*
- Stability and relapse, long-term studies
- Final adjustments to typodont
- Debond, Deband*
- Homework cases 22,23,24
- *Denotes session involving practical element
Module 9
- Class III malocclusion - diagnosis and treatment planning
- Growth prediction*
- Hand-wrist radiographs, Growth modification therapy: chin cups, reversed pull headgear
- Orthognathic surgery: case assessment, differential diagnosis
- Model surgery, prediction tracings
- Surgical techniques to correct vertical, transverse and sagittal problems
- Anterior open bite - diagnosis and management
- Temporary Anchorage Devices in modern orthodontics
- Timing of orthodontic treatment
- Homework cases 25,26,27
- *Denotes session involving practical element
Module 10
- Difficult cases, diagnosis and treatment of impacted teeth, displaced canines, spacing,
- Hypodontia, restorative/orthodontic interface, Mesialisers
- Magnets in orthodontics
- Dentoalveolar surgery and orthodontics, tooth transplantation.
- Orthodontic/periodontic interface
- Hazards in Orthodontics
- Cleft lip and palate care
- Finishing techniques on the typodont*
- Early treatment, habit breakers, serial extractions
- Long term effects of orthodontic treatment
- Non-extraction decisions, Therapeutic diagnosis
- Vertical orthodontic problems, high angle cases, severe low angle cases
- Relationship of TMJ problems to orthodontics, cure or cause, TMJ splints
- Case presentations by the participants*
- *Denotes session involving practical element